May 20, 2024 ISD 197 School Board meeting

ISD 197 School Board Recap: May 20, 2024

Thanks to our members for making school board coverage possible.

Tonight’s ISD 197 School Board meeting included updates on multiple advisory committees, a potential solar power grant, and citizen comments about union contracts that are in negotiation.

Advisory Committees

The Special Education Advisory Committee, Early Learning Advisory Committee, and TriDistrict Community Education Advisory Committee all gave updates to the board. These committees are all required by state law to give updates to the school board.

  • Special Education: This committee spun off a separate parent and guardian group for more connection and networking. Parents appreciate that it bridges the gap between school and home. Highlights included the Unified PE class at Two Rivers. “There’s so much joy in that classroom,” said Student Representative Samantha Villa.
  • Early Learning: Offering meetings in-person and digitally has increased attendance. They added a fall dance party to engage families. Next year they’re considering adding childcare for meetings and looking for more ways for parents to connect.
  • TriDistrict Community Education: They are developing a student focus group to get more student input. School Age Care has a waitlist for the fall and staffing is still a limiting factor.

Solar Power Grant

The district is applying for a $650,000 grant from the state to install solar panels at Friendly Hills, Heritage, and Two Rivers. They’ve already received preliminary approval and are now applying for the next step. The board will consider a resolution at the next meeting.

  • The grant will pay for roughly half the cost of the project.
  • The project will lower utility bills by $50,000 per year, for a total savings of more than $1.2 million over the 25-year lifespan of the panels.
  • Part of the grant includes a curriculum component so students will learn about the solar panels at their schools. There will also be monitors in the schools that show the production from the panels. (For schools that already have solar panels, there’s an online dashboard that shows their production—for example, here’s Garlough’s solar production).

Union Contract Negotiation

During the public comment period, two letters were read and one person spoke supporting paraprofessionals and nutrition specialists in contract negotiations. So far the district has settled three contracts, with five more still outstanding.

  • Comments focused on lack of respect for these positions and poor pay. For nutrition specialists specifically, the district has so far offered a lower pay increase than other positions (approved contracts have all seen a 3% raise while the district is currently offering 2%, according to the comment).
  • This item was not on the agenda and there was no discussion or response, which is typical when negotiations are still in process.

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