West St. Paul State of City Address

2024 State of the City Address From Mayor Dave Napier

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West St. Paul Mayor Dave Napier delivered the State of the City address this morning at Southview Country Club.

“We are proud of the City of West St. Paul,” Napier said. “We want to come out and share with you everything we do.”

  • Economic development: Napier said taxable market value has gone from $15 million in 2015 to $31 million today. He listed nearly a dozen new businesses in the city in the last year. He highlighted coming work to 150 Thompson, calling it an “outdoor community gathering space.”
  • Public safety: Napier praised the West St. Paul Police Department and South Metro Fire for their work amid continued high call volumes. He specifically cited police recruitment efforts and mental health work, including South Metro’s emotional support dog, Hal. “It’s hard to believe, but an animal like that can bring such a calming presence to our fire department,” he said.
  • Parks and Recreation: Napier highlighted the redesign work at Marthaler Park and the coming master plan to be released later this year. He also touted some numbers: 90% of summer staff from 2023 are returning this summer. 4,600 hours from city volunteers. 16 tons of trash diverted by the city’s recycling coordinator.
  • Public works: Napier highlighted work to upgrade the sanitary sewer system, including the final lift stations from the 1960s and sewer lines that were more than 100 years old.
  • Taxes: “We’re keeping it at a manageable level but still accomplishing what we need to accomplish,” Napier said, noting last year’s property tax increase of 5.8% and this year’s project increase of 5.9%.
  • Redevelopment: “We don’t get to do development, we do redevelopment,” Napier said. “West St. Paul as a first-ring suburb is leading the way on redevelopment and doing it strategically and financially responsible.”
  • Election: The filing period to run for office opens today, so Napier made a pitch to run for office—including potentially running against him: “If you feel strongly about making your community better, please come out and run,” Napier said. “Run for mayor, run for Council. It’s important as community members to get out and do what we can to make West St. Paul the best it can be.”

The address was presented by the Dakota County Regional Chamber of Commerce and will be televised by Town Square Television.

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