Crowd gathered for the dedication of the West St. Paul Sports Complex

1984: West St. Paul Votes to Create Sports Complex

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On May 22, 1984, West St. Paul voted in a referendum to create the West St. Paul Sports Complex. At a total cost of $1.1 million, the park turned 20 acres into sports fields, playground, concession stand, and a horseshoe pavilion.

Name: The city originally held a vote to name the new park. The finalist selected were West Meadows Park, Liberty Park, and West St. Paul Sportman’s Park. But the City Council rejected all three names and called it West St. Paul Sports Center. By 2001 the name changed to Sports Complex, when new signs with that name were ordered.

The Debate

The City Council debated options and had a couple members strongly opposed.

  • “I’m not going to vote on a bond issue for adults to play,” said Council Member John Jakway. He argued declining enrollment in the school district meant few kids would use it. He also complained about the cost and said it was too big.
  • “I think we’re being conservative, not extravagant,” countered Council Member Joe Fenton. “It’s long overdue, it should have been done 10 years ago.”
  • “Let’s let the citizens decide if this is a good idea,” said Council Member James Wazlawik.

Residents also had a chance to weigh in before the vote:

  • Opposed: Nearby residents complained about potential noise and parking. “I don’t think the 200-car parking lot is big enough,” said Ray Marthaler in a newspaper article. The story noted Marthaler also had concerns with “softball players drinking beer at the sports complex, urinating behind trees, and parking in residents’ driveways.”
  • Familiar name: At the time a Park and Recreation Advisory Committee member and later a City Council member, Dick Vitelli commented that the park board members were all homeowners and shared the same concerns.
  • Supportive: Other residents spoke up about the need and how it would bring people to West St. Paul. “This is a good step to bring back some vibrant people to the community,” said Joe Kryschyshen.
  • Alternative: If park plans fell through, the site was zoned for apartments and could have been developed for as many as 300 apartments.

Early plans showed the potential layout. The ball fields remain the same, but the parking lot was moved to Oakdale. Today additional land includes a second parking lot and playground.

Original plans for "Wentworth/Oakdale Recreation Area" for bond vote.

The Vote

About 8-9% of the city’s residents came out to vote on May 22, 1984. The final result:

Vote total:Percentage of vote:

Park Construction & Opening

Other Photos

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(Photo credit: Dakota County Historical Society and City of West St. Paul. West St. Paul Reader is not endorsed, affiliated with, or sponsored by the City of West St. Paul.)

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