Women of West St. Paul volunteers with donated period products at Neighbors Inc.

Women of West St. Paul Donate $15,000 in Period Products

Thanks to Clothesline Laundromat for their support.

The fifth annual pad drive from the local advocacy group Women of West St. Paul came to a close with a total of $15,090 in period products donated to Neighbors, Inc. That shattered their goal of raising $10,000 in 10 weeks.

  • $15,090 total raised in cash donations and products.
  • 1,274 pounds of products donated.
  • Over 1,000 boxes of pads, tampons, cups, reusable underwear/pads and other period products.
  • 495 boxes purchased at Costco with donations.

“More than half the population gets a period every 28 days for decades. [Yet] 25% of people do not have access to products that they need to carry on with dignity in their daily lives, from attending school to going to work. It affects quality of life.”

Katie Dohman, one of the WoW organizers

A group of Women of West St. Paul (WoW) volunteers caravanned to Costco to fill five cars with four pallets of period products. They combined this with another car load of products that were already donated and delivered them all to Neighbors, Inc., the local food shelf serving northern Dakota County. The total donated products filled six bins to overflowing.

The need: “Pads and tampons are important basic needs that help contribute to women’s personal health as well as their ability to be successful at work and school,” said Heidi Satre, the director of community engagement for Neighbors, Inc.

More: Read our initial story about the pad drive for more on the need and impact of WoW’s efforts.

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