ISD 197 school board meeting on August 7, 2023.

Voters Will Decide Two Levies for ISD 197

Thanks to Jameson’s Irish Bar for their support.

On Monday, the ISD 197 school board voted unanimously to put two levy referendums on the ballot for the November election. One measure renews an existing capital project levy and the other is new operating funding to combat rising costs due to inflation and avoid cuts to the classroom.

When to vote: These measures will be on the ballot for the November 7 election with absentee voting starting on September 22.

The Two Levy Questions on the Ballot:

  • Capital project levy: Originally approved by voters in 2014, this measure raises approximately $2.3 million annually to pay for technology improvements, including devices for students and teachers. A ‘yes’ vote will renew the levy for another 10 years, leaving taxes static. A ‘no’ vote would end the levy and slightly decrease taxes.
  • New operating levy: Voters will also consider a new measure that will raise $731 per pupil for a total of $4 million annually. In short, ISD 197 will use this money to avoid cuts. With rising costs due to inflation and unfunded mandates from the state, the district is looking at deficits. A ‘yes’ vote will increase taxes by $153 per year for the average home. A ‘no’ vote will leave taxes as is (and likely force ISD 197 to look at budget cuts).

Wait: Didn’t schools just get a lot of money from the state? Yes and no. ISD 197 sent a budget update in June that details increased costs and expected deficits despite additional state money.

Board Discussion

  • Survey: The ISD 197 administration and school board relied on a survey to gauge public support, which showed 62% support for a new levy among likely voters.
  • Comparison: ISD 197 has the third lowest taxes out of 47 metro districts. Currently the average home pays $1,013 per year for all school taxes. The state average is $1,349. If approved, the new operating levy would increase ISD 197 taxes to $1,166, moving the district from 45th to 41st out of 47 districts.
  • Debate: The administration proposed a new levy ranging from $700-762 per student. Board members quickly focused on splitting the middle with a $731 per student levy.
Chart showing current tax comparison among Association of Metro School Districts with ISD 197 currently listed at 45th out of 47 districts.
Slide from the referendum presentation at the August 7, 2023 ISD 197 school board meeting showing the tax comparison between ISD 197 and other schools in the Association of Metro School Districts.

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